Wednesday, June 30, 2010

'Smart' Phone

My new phone is smarter than I am. It found all my facebook contacts and automatically imported their contact info and profile pictures to my contacts list. It simultaneously replaced the couple profile pictures I had carefully selected for friend's profiles taken on the fancy built in camera. Now I can't figure out how to get the pictures I took to replace the facebook profile pictures. Man, FWPs

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

One Time, At Band Camp

They shut off the wireless internet at the summer camp I'm working at because kids try to sneak in iWhatevers with wifi capability. So now, when I want to use the interwebs, I have to go over to the director housing next door and actually plug an ethernet cable into the router. Man, FWPs

Monday, June 14, 2010

If Only She Had An iPad

I had to use my boss's iPhone to post on Twitter in real time about a media event we ewre hosting, and the phone's color scheme was thoroughly emasculating: purple, with pink trim. Man, FWPs